
Showing posts from 2016

Meditation-Ernest Holmes, Living the Science of Mind

“Meditation I KNOW there is a Power for Good which is responding to me and bringing into my experience everything that is necessary to my unfoldment, to my happiness, to my peace, to my health, and to my success. I know there is a Power for Good that enables me to help others and to bless the whole world. So I say quietly to myself: There is one Life, that Life is God, that Life is perfect, that Life is my life now. It is flowing through me, circulating in me. I am one with Its rhythm. My heart beats with the pulsation of the Universe, in serenity, in peace, and in joy. My whole physical being is animated by the Divine Spirit, and if there is anything in it that does not belong, it is cast out because there is One Perfect Life in me now. And I say to myself: I am daily guided so that I shall know what to do under every circumstance, in every situation. Divine Intelligence guides me in love, in joy, and in complete self-expression. Desiring that the Law of Good alone shall
Sermon # 5                                                                                           Author: Minister O.P. Lynch                                     Self -Judgment Often times we find ourselves thinking about all of the things others have achieved. We wonder why we can’t seem to make those things happen for ourselves. They have the things we would like to have, and are living the kinds of lives we wish we had. We say those people are so lucky. Some are taught that God has favor for some and not others. That they are not worthy of God’s favor. These teachings are false, and are a great insult to God. It is not humble to tell yourself you are not worthy of good things. This negative inner voice is what is blocking your path. It suppresses you from realizing your true power. It makes you beat yourselves up about the things you feel you are lacking. Self- judgement, and negative self- talk lowers our spiritual vibration to such levels that
Sermon #4 Eternal Beings Nothing ever ceases to exist, therefore nothing ever really dies. It is all energy transforming. Life time after life time. Just because we don’t see something does not mean it no longer exist. It is existing in another form. Maybe in another realm, or dimension. The universe is expanding and is quite large. You are an eternal being. Accept this truth about yourself. Live in this truth. What you do in this lifetime does matter. Each lifetime is affected by your last one. We do not all have the capacity to remember our previous forms. The mind cannot hold that amount of information in all of your life times. Your consciousness resets itself every life time, so you can experience life anew. Strong unpleasant experiences can leave a lasting imprint on your essence and energy that you may carry into new lifetimes. That is why you must heal yourself of them, if you know you are carrying them with you. You must put in
Sermon #3 The Power of One When we realize that we are one, with the one energy that is GOD We know that we are not separate from it. It is not some fragmented concept of GOD that separates its attributes. This concept of GOD puts GOD at the center and main focus, makes it one entire thing. No intermediaries, or deities are needed to communicate with the divine energy that already dwells within us. We all are one with it. No one else has any more power than we do to access it. There is no separation from the one divine power that is GOD. For it permeates all that exist. It is the “Allness” factor of everything. The unification of all existence, energy, and information. In this physical form that we inhabit, we see ourselves as separate from others. This is an illusion that is a result of inhabiting a physical form. We forget what we are. Ego, consciousness, and physical form arise as one. The combination of these energies creates an illusion of