Sermon # 5                                                                                          Author: Minister O.P. Lynch

Self -Judgment
Often times we find ourselves thinking about all of the things others have achieved.
We wonder why we can’t seem to make those things happen for ourselves.
They have the things we would like to have, and are living the kinds of lives we wish we had.
We say those people are so lucky.
Some are taught that God has favor for some and not others.
That they are not worthy of God’s favor.
These teachings are false, and are a great insult to God.
It is not humble to tell yourself you are not worthy of good things.
This negative inner voice is what is blocking your path.
It suppresses you from realizing your true power.
It makes you beat yourselves up about the things you feel you are lacking.
Self- judgement, and negative self- talk lowers our spiritual vibration to such levels that we fall out of alignment with GOD, and ourselves.
It makes us powerless to harness the abilities that will enable us to achieve great things.
We condition our inner voice to speak to us in this negative fashion by continuing to think in this way.
It’s like we are playing a song in our mind, and that song is on replay.
You must understand something about God.
God does not create junk.
You are a perfect specimen.
You are worthy.
No matter what you may have been told in the past no one is favored.
God favors no being over another being.
This infinite power we call God creates universes, planets, and life forms of all kinds.
It is all wisdom, information, and intelligence that exists.
God is constantly creating things from itself.
It is experiencing the human condition through you, and you are living in it.
It is everything and everyone.
It is quite illogical for a power so great to favor one over another when everything it creates is made of the same stuff.
It is not an intelligent action for a power so great to behave in such a way.
Favoring one over another is a superficial human behavior.
God is all, and all is one with it.
Embrace your circumstances and conditions.
You are well equipped to overcome any circumstances that are causing you unhappiness.
You are one with the great architect.
You are it.
Know your power, and greatness.
No man can take from you what God has given you.
No man has more of it than you have.
Some men were born under different circumstances and conditions then yours.
That is all.
There is no favor on God’s behalf.
As far as God is concerned we are all the same thing.
The grand illusion is that some are greater than others.
When you look up at night at the stars above you
 know that it is comprised of the same materials you and every other being have inside.
Do not be deceived by its appearance.
There is a great battle that goes on in our minds between our negative thoughts and our positive ones.
As the biblical song goes;
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho and the walls came tumbling down.
You can break down the walls in your mind with the sword of wisdom, and the shield of knowledge.
Do not look up at the sky for GOD, look within.
That is how close you are to it.
Let us pray to the God within us,
May it enable us to use the strength we have been endowed with to break down the walls in our mind that are preventing us from reaching our highest potential.
And so it is.


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