Universal Love

Just because we do not understand something does not mean it is a bad thing.
Everything that is has a right to exist, whether it benefits us or not.
It’s all been created by that pure potential energy that created all of life.
All things are dependent on other things to survive.
We are all are a part of it.
Then why should we hate anything that exist?
It has its purpose just like we do.
It may have a manner of being that is in conflict with our own well- being, but that doesn’t mean we should take measures to destroy it.
In this universal paradigm that we exist in the things we do to others affects us too.
It makes no sense to fight against things we don’t agree with in a show of force, because it will only cause us discomfort too.
When you are aware and live in a universal mind way of thinking, you become aware of the concept of universal love.
Universal love is the way to peace and freedom.
It’s our salvation and our natural state of being.
Harmonious with all things in our environment.
When we don’t like something or someone’s way of being we must practice acceptance and tolerance.
They or it have a right to exist and experience life just like we do.
Everything fights for its survival and happiness. We must understand this principal when we are dealing with others.
Our standards are our standards and may work well for us.
We set our own moral codes to live by.
We must allow others the same right and not interfere with their self- evolution.
It is not our job to change anyone’s way of being.
They are on their own schedule of self- realization.
Evolving at their own pace.
We mustn’t impose our ways on others.
They have a right to experience life the way they see fit for themselves.
It’s o.k. to lend a helping hand to another in need, but they must choose their own path.
Don’t worry about whether they’ll be o.k.
All paths lead to God.
There is no way that anyone can get lost.
That is how God designed it.
We always end up right back to that universal energy that we originated from.
Some paths are longer than others.
Some are much more arduous.
Some paths have a lot of roundabouts.
And some are just downright painful to have to go through, but we will all end up in the place we are supposed to be.
Back to that energy we call God.
We may all get there at different times, but we eventually get there.
All of us, not just some of us.
No one can deny you entrance.
And no one can walk your path for you.
Everyone has to do their own spiritual work.
No one can eat anyone else’s lunch for them.
This is a principal of universal love.
It’s in the allowing of all things with the understanding of universal oneness.
I would like to extend myself to any of you that may require spiritual consultation in your life right now.

I offer wedding, funeral, baby naming, house blessing, baptismal, and special prayer request services.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions you need spiritual counsel on.
All confessions are kept with the strictest of confidence. 
Only serious inquiries will be answered.
Email me directly at:
Voice messages can be left at (619) 880-PRAY/ (619) 880-7729.
For pen pal service please write me at:
Minister O.P. Lynch
43759 15th Street West, #29
Lancaster, CA 93534 

Many Blessings Ones!


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